Monday, September 13, 2010

The Power that Crushes all Others

Super powers, what every child dreams of. An unlimited amount, a never ending selection. There are obvious ones which most people would choose, from super strength to flight, from super speed to telekinesis. To me there is one that stands above the others, one that would win over any of the others in battle. Some people could perceive it as useless and boring, but compared to it the other powers are just ordinary. When you think about it though, any person with any other power wouldn't stand a chance. This power could not be developed through radiation, mutation and any other way most super powers come into existence. This power is not easily obtained. Just think if someone who had enough strength to crush you with their littlest finger was coming at you, and you were stuck and couldn't go anywhere; what would you do. No amount of intelligence can get you out of it, no amount of speed can help you escape, your trapped you cannot fly away, and you cannot put objects in his way. What can you do, maybe changed their mind, and maybe get them to do something else for you. Now how would you be able to do that, that's what the most amazing super power is. The ability to control minds.

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