Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Back to Square One

George knew where Lennie went, and he knew that it wouldn't take long for Curley to find him and kill him. George went to the bunkhouse coming face to face with Curley. "Curley don't you go after Lennie with your guns ablazing, he didn't mean to kill your wife, he don't know how to be mean he's as dumb as a stump" George said. "Get out of my way for Pete's sake, there'll be hell to pay for what he has done" Curley replied; his nostrils flaring. "Curley you have my back against the wall, I can't let you kill Lennie" George said. "That dummy will be sleeping with the fishes by the end of a day" Curley yelled his arm going towards his gun. "Now Curley don't get all bent out of shape, there is no need to get all worked up, i just don't want my friend dead" George said. "How can you call that monster your friend, he's a god damned murderer" Curley replied his eyes bulging. "Well Curley I can't let you kill him" George said and brought Carlson's Luger out from behind his back and shot Curley in the head. "you didn't even stand a chance" George finished. George ran to the riverbank where he had told Lennie to hide. They were going to have to leave, go far away and start to look for work again back to square one.

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