Sunday, October 24, 2010

Another stupid mistake

"What have you screwed up on now," exclaimed Locke, a mastermind in thievery.
"I did everything right except..." Jean shamefully replied.
"Except what you stupid son of a bitch, if I don't find out and fix it soon we're going to be screwed"
Jean cried, "There is nothing that can be done, we made a grand mistake Locke, these people we planned to rob knew us, and they saw my face"
Locke went of in a tirade of cursing then shrieked, "You imcompotent, you stupid imbecile, how in hell did you let them see you, you've made waste of years of work"
"Locke, I'm sorry but," remarked Jean, "thats not all"
"What else have you done, you idiot did you go and tell them where we are staying and somehow think it was a good idea"
"No Locke," stated Jean, "They're bondsmagi"
Locke went on another tirade of cursing then screamed, "If you knew that all along then why didn't you tell me earlier"
"Because Locke, they know my name, remember"
A voice cackled from behind them, Locke heard his real name, and knew it was all over, this last mistake cost them their lives.

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