Monday, November 1, 2010

Popcorn; good, John Malkovich, not what i wanted

A tragic story, a dream that will never come true, and a horrid portrayal of an amazing character. Recently I had the chance to partake in watching the movie, Of Mice and Men. I had read the book before I watched the movie, which I enjoyed far more then the movie. When I read a book I clearly picture the characters in my head. That's one reason I dislike watching movies based on books, they always seem to screw up at least one character. In the movie Of Mice and Men I felt Lennie Small was portrayed very badly. No offense to John Malkovich, Lennie would be a very hard character to get right. One problem I thought was the size of Malkovich, I had pictured Lennie as taller and more bulky, Malkovich was not bulky at all. Also to me Lennie had a deeper voice then how Malkovich spoke. The way Lennie was portrayed set me off of the movie, I ended up being extremely disappointed with it. I would not recommend this movie, unless you don't care how the characters are played, or thought Lennie was not extremely tall, was of average size, and didn't have a deep voice.

1 comment:

  1. Good work on these blogs, Daniel. 4 of 4 complete. Sufficient detail. Evidence of fairly careful proofreading - only occasional mechanical errors. Film review might have more specific examples, but overall a good job. 41/48
