Friday, November 5, 2010

Untimely Entrance, Miraculous escape

I knew I had lost them, I knew I was home free, but what I didn't know was what I was heading into. Nearing exhaustion I stepped into an inn, I needed rest wouldn't be able to go on much further. When I entered the building the keeper motioned me to take a seat. I sat down at the table, immediately I began to slouch back into the uncomfortable piece of wood which was supposed to be a chair. Several minutes later I heard someone else step in; I didn't bother to turn my head. As I heard him sit down right across from me I looked up. Abhorred at what I saw, I started to my feet but stopped and sat back down, knowing I wouldn't be able to escape. The man was sitting in front of me wearing a thin smile shaped like a crescent moon. He held a cigarette in his left hand, the smoke from it drifted up in the air like fog floating up to a mountains peak. As the cigarette burned down onto his fingers, he didn't flinch or show he felt it, his wise grey eyes held steady like a falcon ready to dive bomb its prey. His white hair clung against his face like snow clinging to a tree's green limbs. I knew this man; I knew what he could do, so I decided to try to escape his clutches, hoping by some miraculous chance I could. As I leaped to my feet, his eyes changed color, like leaves ready to fall. But as he reached for me I kicked the table up into his face, and ran out the door. I don't remember how long I ran, but knew I had somehow gotten away unscathed; for his voice rumbled throughout the city like building falling to the earth, I knew his anger would be incredible, but his vengeance would be terrible. This time I was safe but as for the next time I was to meet him, the outcome could be much different.

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