Sunday, November 28, 2010

College Application

I am not an ordinary applicant. I have had far greater accomplishments then can be imagined. I am no ordinary applicant I say again. I am not subject to the laws of gravity. I have journeyed to the center of the earth. I have read everything known to man. I have swam across not only one ocean but two. I am considered an extremely modest person. I have won the Stanley cup, the Super bowl, the Grey cup, a world series, and was on the first place team at the FIFA world cup. I have only broken one bone. But those things bore me. I am known to be a determined worker. I have built buildings, temples, and pyramids. I have held my breath underwater for more than two minutes. I have broken more world records then can be counted. Every single person in this world has heard of me, I am amazed you haven't contacted me about joining your college. I have been an influence on every humane world leader in the past decade. These momentous feats all happened before I was ten years old. Now I have been around this world for seventeen years. I won a game of risk on my first turn; I have owned all properties in a game of monopoly before anyone else had one. I don't like poetry. I have caught shoplifters, bank robbers and serial killers. I have walked every square foot of North America. I have visited every monument in the known world; I also have been in every significant museum. I have sent whole cities into riots, on one word. I have also ended those riots with a wave of my hand. I am a good leader, I am an extremely fast learner, and I once learned three whole languages in one day. I don't give up on anything, I fell off of a cliff once and instead of just giving up and falling to my death, I used all my strength to grab onto a ledge. I did, and I climbed up its sheer face without breaking a sweat. I may have learned many things but I know there must be more to learn. So I have decided to apply to your school, and if I am not accepted, your school will be shut down.

1 comment:

  1. Good effort, Daniel. Lots of detail in your college application and descriptive paragraph. Make sure you vary your sentence beginnings. Many sentences begin with "I" in your college application. TRy to work in a little more parallel structure. Writing is generall quite polished-only a few mechanical errors. 29/36
