Sunday, November 28, 2010

College Application

I am not an ordinary applicant. I have had far greater accomplishments then can be imagined. I am no ordinary applicant I say again. I am not subject to the laws of gravity. I have journeyed to the center of the earth. I have read everything known to man. I have swam across not only one ocean but two. I am considered an extremely modest person. I have won the Stanley cup, the Super bowl, the Grey cup, a world series, and was on the first place team at the FIFA world cup. I have only broken one bone. But those things bore me. I am known to be a determined worker. I have built buildings, temples, and pyramids. I have held my breath underwater for more than two minutes. I have broken more world records then can be counted. Every single person in this world has heard of me, I am amazed you haven't contacted me about joining your college. I have been an influence on every humane world leader in the past decade. These momentous feats all happened before I was ten years old. Now I have been around this world for seventeen years. I won a game of risk on my first turn; I have owned all properties in a game of monopoly before anyone else had one. I don't like poetry. I have caught shoplifters, bank robbers and serial killers. I have walked every square foot of North America. I have visited every monument in the known world; I also have been in every significant museum. I have sent whole cities into riots, on one word. I have also ended those riots with a wave of my hand. I am a good leader, I am an extremely fast learner, and I once learned three whole languages in one day. I don't give up on anything, I fell off of a cliff once and instead of just giving up and falling to my death, I used all my strength to grab onto a ledge. I did, and I climbed up its sheer face without breaking a sweat. I may have learned many things but I know there must be more to learn. So I have decided to apply to your school, and if I am not accepted, your school will be shut down.

The Catalyst

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfoght
It can't be outdone
It can't be out matched
It can't be outrun

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfoght
It can't be outdone
It can't be out matched
It can't be outrun

And when I close my eyes tonight
To symphonies of blinding light
(God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky

God save us everyone,
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
For the sins of our hand
The sins of our tongue
The sins of our father
The sins of our young

God save us everyone,
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
For the sins of our hand
The sins of our tongue
The sins of our father
The sins of our young

And when I close my eyes tonight
To symphonies of blinding light
(God save us everyone,
Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky

Like memories in cold decay
Transmissions echoing away
Far from the world of you and I
Where oceans bleed into the sky

Lift me up
Let me go (x10)

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfoght
Can't be outdone
It can't be out matched
It can't be outrun

God bless us everyone
We're a broken people living under loaded gun
And it can't be outfoght
Can't be outdone
It can't be out matched
It can't be outrun

Throughout the song "The Catalyst" by Linkin Park poetic devices are present. There is allusion in the line "God bless us everyone". In the same stanza parrellel structure appears "And it can't be outfought it can't be outdone it can't be out matched it can't be outrun". Imagery through effective diction is also used in this song "To Symphonies of blinding light". Right after that line it goes on "like memories of cold decay" the poetic device of simile makes itself known. Personification is also present in the line "where oceans bleed into the sky". There is also Hyperbole in this song "God save us everyone will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns". This song is a good example of Poetry.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Untimely Entrance, Miraculous escape

I knew I had lost them, I knew I was home free, but what I didn't know was what I was heading into. Nearing exhaustion I stepped into an inn, I needed rest wouldn't be able to go on much further. When I entered the building the keeper motioned me to take a seat. I sat down at the table, immediately I began to slouch back into the uncomfortable piece of wood which was supposed to be a chair. Several minutes later I heard someone else step in; I didn't bother to turn my head. As I heard him sit down right across from me I looked up. Abhorred at what I saw, I started to my feet but stopped and sat back down, knowing I wouldn't be able to escape. The man was sitting in front of me wearing a thin smile shaped like a crescent moon. He held a cigarette in his left hand, the smoke from it drifted up in the air like fog floating up to a mountains peak. As the cigarette burned down onto his fingers, he didn't flinch or show he felt it, his wise grey eyes held steady like a falcon ready to dive bomb its prey. His white hair clung against his face like snow clinging to a tree's green limbs. I knew this man; I knew what he could do, so I decided to try to escape his clutches, hoping by some miraculous chance I could. As I leaped to my feet, his eyes changed color, like leaves ready to fall. But as he reached for me I kicked the table up into his face, and ran out the door. I don't remember how long I ran, but knew I had somehow gotten away unscathed; for his voice rumbled throughout the city like building falling to the earth, I knew his anger would be incredible, but his vengeance would be terrible. This time I was safe but as for the next time I was to meet him, the outcome could be much different.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Popcorn; good, John Malkovich, not what i wanted

A tragic story, a dream that will never come true, and a horrid portrayal of an amazing character. Recently I had the chance to partake in watching the movie, Of Mice and Men. I had read the book before I watched the movie, which I enjoyed far more then the movie. When I read a book I clearly picture the characters in my head. That's one reason I dislike watching movies based on books, they always seem to screw up at least one character. In the movie Of Mice and Men I felt Lennie Small was portrayed very badly. No offense to John Malkovich, Lennie would be a very hard character to get right. One problem I thought was the size of Malkovich, I had pictured Lennie as taller and more bulky, Malkovich was not bulky at all. Also to me Lennie had a deeper voice then how Malkovich spoke. The way Lennie was portrayed set me off of the movie, I ended up being extremely disappointed with it. I would not recommend this movie, unless you don't care how the characters are played, or thought Lennie was not extremely tall, was of average size, and didn't have a deep voice.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Another stupid mistake

"What have you screwed up on now," exclaimed Locke, a mastermind in thievery.
"I did everything right except..." Jean shamefully replied.
"Except what you stupid son of a bitch, if I don't find out and fix it soon we're going to be screwed"
Jean cried, "There is nothing that can be done, we made a grand mistake Locke, these people we planned to rob knew us, and they saw my face"
Locke went of in a tirade of cursing then shrieked, "You imcompotent, you stupid imbecile, how in hell did you let them see you, you've made waste of years of work"
"Locke, I'm sorry but," remarked Jean, "thats not all"
"What else have you done, you idiot did you go and tell them where we are staying and somehow think it was a good idea"
"No Locke," stated Jean, "They're bondsmagi"
Locke went on another tirade of cursing then screamed, "If you knew that all along then why didn't you tell me earlier"
"Because Locke, they know my name, remember"
A voice cackled from behind them, Locke heard his real name, and knew it was all over, this last mistake cost them their lives.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Back to Square One

George knew where Lennie went, and he knew that it wouldn't take long for Curley to find him and kill him. George went to the bunkhouse coming face to face with Curley. "Curley don't you go after Lennie with your guns ablazing, he didn't mean to kill your wife, he don't know how to be mean he's as dumb as a stump" George said. "Get out of my way for Pete's sake, there'll be hell to pay for what he has done" Curley replied; his nostrils flaring. "Curley you have my back against the wall, I can't let you kill Lennie" George said. "That dummy will be sleeping with the fishes by the end of a day" Curley yelled his arm going towards his gun. "Now Curley don't get all bent out of shape, there is no need to get all worked up, i just don't want my friend dead" George said. "How can you call that monster your friend, he's a god damned murderer" Curley replied his eyes bulging. "Well Curley I can't let you kill him" George said and brought Carlson's Luger out from behind his back and shot Curley in the head. "you didn't even stand a chance" George finished. George ran to the riverbank where he had told Lennie to hide. They were going to have to leave, go far away and start to look for work again back to square one.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Power that Crushes all Others

Super powers, what every child dreams of. An unlimited amount, a never ending selection. There are obvious ones which most people would choose, from super strength to flight, from super speed to telekinesis. To me there is one that stands above the others, one that would win over any of the others in battle. Some people could perceive it as useless and boring, but compared to it the other powers are just ordinary. When you think about it though, any person with any other power wouldn't stand a chance. This power could not be developed through radiation, mutation and any other way most super powers come into existence. This power is not easily obtained. Just think if someone who had enough strength to crush you with their littlest finger was coming at you, and you were stuck and couldn't go anywhere; what would you do. No amount of intelligence can get you out of it, no amount of speed can help you escape, your trapped you cannot fly away, and you cannot put objects in his way. What can you do, maybe changed their mind, and maybe get them to do something else for you. Now how would you be able to do that, that's what the most amazing super power is. The ability to control minds.